NCTNA logo. Telehealth and healthcare broadband internet in North Carolina

NCHBC Monthly Bulletin: September 2023

Overview In response to a request from the Office of Digital Equity and Literacy, the NC Healthcare Broadband Coalition has completed a focus group assessment of the NC Healthcare -experience with telehealth. The findings show telehealth works, it is well-liked by patients, it is sustainable in the right context, it’s potential is being realized today […]

NCHBC Monthly Bulletin: August 2023

NC BEAD Five-Year Plan INTRODUCTION In our last bulletin, we described how the National Broadband Map had changed based on challenges made by state broadband offices and others like the NC Healthcare Broadband Coalition (NCHBC).  Based on version 2 of the map, which includes initial challenges, NTIA has allocated funding to the states, territories, and […]

Defining Direct-Connection Broadband for Healthcare Providers

Our valued members enjoy a direct connection to MCNC fiber that is exclusive to NCTNA’s health care providers. We say this often when we promote our services, but we feel it is important to explain what this really means for their connection.