NCTNA logo. Telehealth and healthcare broadband internet in North Carolina



As the result of a thorough and competitive request for proposal process MCNC, a Research Triangle Park-based non-profit, was chosen to be NCTNA’s Systems Integrator.  MCNC has leveraged its own funds, funding from the Golden Leaf Foundation, and funding from the Federal BTOP program to construct and operate a 4000-mile (and growing) fiber optic network that spans the state. MCNC’s world-class fiber network, the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN), provides a robust infrastructure for supporting the delivery of healthcare to subscribers of NCTNA. As healthcare is increasingly reliant on Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and Internet-enabled services, high-speed and secure broadband connectivity is essential to providing services such as telemedicine, telepsychiatry, medical imaging, and primary care. By increasing access to physicians and specialists, NCTNA helps ensure patients across the state receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time, and at the right cost. MCNC is proud to provide the foundation, while allowing NCTNA to provide the services and support. 

Map of North Carolina showing areas served by NCTNA. Telehealth and healthcare broadband in North Carolina



With NCTNA and MCNC, healthcare providers enjoy a dedicated connection—meaning the connection is not shared as it is when working with commercial providers. Subscriber traffic travels over the NCTNA intranet, not the shared public internet. This means that your connection is reliable, securely enhanced with DDoS protection, and bandwidth is guaranteed with NO slowdowns. 



Unreliable networks pose real problems for ongoing operations, and in some cases, can be a matter of life-or-death.  NCTNA recognizes this and in addition to designing and operating a well-architected network, we rely on a team of experienced network engineers from MCNC who stand at the ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to technical issues before they interrupt patient care. Engineers at the MCNC Network Operation Center (NOC) respond to subscriber calls quickly, and alongside NCTNA, we anticipate issues through ongoing network utilization monitoring and surveillance. 



Just by being a subscribing member of NCTNA, you have access to many of the robust benefits MCNC has to offer. However, MCNC has additional services to offer healthcare organizations of any size. To learn more about MCNC’s additional cyber security, consulting, and data storage/management services, ask one of the NCTNA team members or visit their website here



In collaboration with MCNC, we operate a statewide fiber-optic network and maintain a responsive, state-of-the-art, 24x7x365 network operations center (NOC). The network is designed and operated to meet the highly demanding needs of healthcare organizations. We work together to assure that North Carolina public and non-profit healthcare providers have access to high-quality, reliable, and affordable broadband services. Whether the organization is a large urban hospital, or a small rural health department, together, we meet providers and patients where they are, and we get them connected.


NCTNA maintains the expertise on the Health Care Connect fund discounts to make these broadband services affordable for non-profit and public providers. As a subscriber-led, subscriber-driven organization, we’re able to make decisions that benefit our subscribers most. Alongside MCNC, we work to progress advocacy efforts through the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition, and the North Carolina Healthcare Broadband Coalition. We regularly attend statewide conferences together to increase visibility, and awareness of the resources available, and to collaborate and work with leaders in the North Carolina healthcare space.

“One of the great things about working with MCNC is that they understand that access to medical applications [through broadband service] is a life and death issue.”
-Jean Payne, Daymark Recovery Services

Events Calendar

Here are some of our upcoming events with our partner, MCNC!