Supreme Court Weighs in On Cost of Connectivity and Constitutionality: Most Vulnerable Healthcare Providers and Populations Could Lose Over $500M in Broadband Funding a Year

The Ad Hoc Healthcare Group filed an Amicus Brief on January 15 to the Supreme Court defending the constitutionality of the Universal Service Fund. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. (February 21, 2025) – On January 15, 2025, the Ad Hoc Healthcare Group, filed an Amicus Brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the […]

The Universal Service Fund: What’s Happening After the 5th Circuit Court Ruling? 

The Universal Service Fund (USF) has been a cornerstone of American telecommunications policy, ensuring that everyone—especially in rural or underserved areas—has access to essential communication services. NCTNA’S broadband discounts are funded by the FCC’s Healthcare Connect Fund, which falls under the USF’s Rural Health Care program. But recently, the USF has been facing some legal […]

A Direct Connection with our Board: NCTNA Board Chair, Mike Plesh

Executive Director of Information Technology at UNC HealthWe are proud to introduce Mike Plesh, our NCTNA Board Chair, and UNC Health’s Executive Director of Information Technology. As Board Chair, Mike represents UNC Health and provides a larger health system perspective to NCTNA’s leadership. He facilitates all board meetings and serves as a trusted advisor to […]

Broadband Savings for Healthcare Providers in NC

August 2024 THE MATH IS SIMPLE MEDICAL GRADE BROADBAND + MAXIMUM COST SAVINGS = EXCELLENT PATIENT CARE In the modern healthcare world, broadband connectivity is a vital and essential utility. We offer best-in-class fiber broadband connectivity that’s discounted by up to 65% and is exclusive to non-profit and public healthcare providers in North Carolina. We also […]

NCHBC/NCTNA Awarded Champion Grant Funds for Telehealth in Libraries Pilot in Madison County

July 2024 NCHBC Bulletin OVERVIEW The Digital Champion Grant program in North Carolina has awarded more than $30 million to various entities to expand digital equity across the state. This initiative aims to develop or enhance digital equity programming and address key elements of digital inclusion, such as affordability of high-speed internet, provision of internet-enabled […]


As a member-led non-profit broadband connectivity services provider, we are dedicated to continuing to advocate for the providers we serve AND their patients! Keep reading to learn more about our recent Champion Grant Award and how we plan to use the funds to facilitate access to telehealth in rural libraries. Background on the Champion Grant […]

RELEASE: NCTNA’S Broadband Coalition (NCHBC) Creates Remote Work Opportunities for Individuals With Disabilities

NC TELEHEALTH NETWORK ASSOCIATION’S BROADBAND COALITION CREATES REMOTE WORK INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES The North Carolina Telehealth Network Association partners with the NCDHHS Division of Employment & Independence for People with Disabilities to further broadband data collection efforts through a unique remote internship opportunity. North Carolina, June 14, 2024 – News release content. […]

2024 Healthcare Connect Fund Update from NCTNA

AN UPDATE ON THE FCC FUND THAT POWERS NCTNA’S EMPOWERING BROADBAND DISCOUNTS! This time of year, NCTNA likes to look back at the Healthcare Connect Fund (HCF) program history to evaluate lessons learned and determine where we are on the spectrum between progress and lack-thereof regarding successfully securing funding for the providers we serve. This helps us prioritize our […]

Affordable Connectivity Program Updates

NCHBC Monthly Bulletin: March 2023 NC Healthcare Broadband Bulletin Overview As we’ve noted in earlier bulletins, the most important barrier to the adoption of telehealth is broadband access, and one of the most important reasons for lack of access is affordability. A key provision in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was a $14.2B set […]


Learn more about how NCTNA protects our members who rely on the federally-funded discounts we secure on their behalf. These discounts can drastically reduce the cost of high-quality, direct-connection, medical-grade broadband– making it affordable and available to healthcare providers who may otherwise not be able to utilize this connectivity due to price-sensitivity. HOW NCTNA PROTECTS […]